The club hit over 200 members and exploded from there!
Club members volunteered at events throughout Madison. Runners volunteered time to make race packets for the Madison Marathon in the fall. In the winter, runners manned the two aid stations for the Governor Dodge 50k. The volunteering extended beyond that of running though. In November, the club raised more than $4,000 for Second Harvest Food Bank of Southern Wisconsin. For two weeks before Thanksgiving, members donated food or money under 4 of the board members. The board member with the most donated in their name was to jump into the Monona Bay on a chilling day in November after the Sunday Run. The (un)lucky winner, Matt, bravely jumped in the bay when it was below 20 degrees outside!
Trail running was also a hit throughout the club members. MSRC had runners at all 6 of the Savanna Series races that take place in state parks and county parks around Madison.